The Matter of Suriname

Suriname is about 41% Christian, 27% Hindu and 20% Muslim, with a considerable amount of indigenous religions.

While there are Arabs, most Muslims are of Indonesian extraction, being a relic from the former Dutch Colonial days.

The country belongs the Organization of Islamic Cooperation even though only 20% of the country is Muslim.

For the purposes of this site, Suriname is not that Arab; but with a 20% Muslim population, it cannot be ignored.

Lest, this scare you, Suriname has only about 600,000 people.

Dutch is the official tongue.

Maronite Meal in Uruguay

This was a meal celebrating the history of Maronite Catholics given in Uruguay, where there are probably Lebanese, about 2% of the population.

Uruguay is heavily Italian, French, and Spanish, yet, the Lebanese have made their mark; one, Alberto Abdala, even rose to be Vice-President of Uruguay from 1967-72.

As an aside, there are only about 350 Muslims in Uruguay, about 0.01% of the population. Despite noticeable levels of Arabs in their populations, Islam is almost unknown in Uruguay and Chile.

Wikipedia reports three (3) Islamic centers in Montevideo.

For whom? 350 Muslims?! A two-room office should be more than enough for that number.

Where is the money coming for this?

What is clear is that Saudi, and Iranian money are coming into South America to propagandize the Latins.

Islam in Colombia

This is troubling!

But if you know some Spanish and go to the YouTube video page this video is taken from you will read there is a discussion of whether or not Arabic is required to become a Muslim.

While it is not required, it is so heavily emphasized that Islam, thankfully, has the drawback of being difficult to convert to.

With a major Evangelical Revival occuring in South America, the reverse is true. Evangelical missionaries try to learn the language of the natives. The natives are not required to learn the Hebrew or Greek of the Old and New Testaments, respectively.

The upshot is that converting to Evangelical Christianity is very easy.

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