7 – Paying Palestinians to Leave

7 – Paying Palestinians to Leave

It seems that the only solution to the Mideast Crisis may be paying the Palestinians to leave.

I catch criticism for suggesting this. But others have suggested similar.

This is Dr. Martin Sherman of Tel Aviv University giving the details of such a buy out.

By the way, we came to very similar numbers, independent of each other.

I can provide other examples of those who have arrived at the same conclusions and figures.

What has South America got to do with this?

If the Arab governments will not absorb the Palestinians, maybe South American governments will, if the Palestinians come with cash, the South Americans may welcome the infusion of capital.

Israel will have to pay for this, though; and after 70 years of struggle, it will not come cheaply.

The whole series.

1) The Land and the Settlers
2) Cost to Uproot Settlers
3) Real Arab Populations
4) Cost Effectiveness
5) False Hopes
6) South America Assimilates Arabs
7) Paying Palestinians to Leave

May 10, 2017 – Edited: Corrected spelling, and added some text.
May 12, 2017 – Edited: Added series list at bottom.

The Almost Truth About Hezbollah

This video is mostly true except for:

1) Between 2000 and 2006, the border between Israel and South Lebanon was relatively quiet. Israel was NOT under constant attack.

2) There is a small strip of land called the Shebaa Farms which Israel rules, but Lebanon claims. I sort of disagree with the Lebanese claim, but it is a contested area.

That being said: the rest of the video is true.

Argentina sold Yellowcake to Israel

Argentina sold yellowcake to Israel for nuclear program

Foreign Policy report, based on previously classified documents released by U.S. National Security Archives, shows that Israel sought Argentina’s help to develop its nuclear program after France imposed an arms embargo on the Middle East.

Eli Leon

Argentina helped Israel develop its covert nuclear program by selling the Jewish state dozens of tons of uranium oxide, classified documents published by U.S. magazine Foreign Policy indicated on Monday. Yellowcake is a powdered form of uranium that can be used to fuel a nuclear reactor to produce plutonium for building weapons

(Read more)

Wow! Put aside any notions that Argentina is anti-Semitic.

Supposedly, this was going on in 1964.

Now wonder Begin gave Argentina help during the Falklands War. (Click Here)

Actually, though there are incidences of Anti-Semitism in Argentina – as there are in every nation – Argentina has been relatively friendly – though not perfect  – to the Jews.

A Rabbi’s Tale – about Jews in Argentina
Note: (7:20) requirement for a Catholic President changed in 1994, not the 1980s, as the rabbi claims.
However, there were no religious requirements for other offices.

Birthright Israel – Jewish Argentines visit Israel (untranslated)

As this video shows, there are plenty of Jewish groups in Argentina

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