Tamara, the woman behind Syrian refugees

Tamara, the woman behind Syrian refugees in Argentina

Tamara Lalli brings an anecdote by the Santiago del Estero-born percussionist Domingo Cura. The story goes that on Sundays the ground in the Argentine Northern province moves down because Syrian women are cooking the traditional Middle East Kibbe dish as they rhythmically pound the meat and wheat using their pestles and mortars.


But the homeland Tamara was born in and left when she was 11 years old is changing forcing thousands to flee across its borders and seek refuge in the Southern part of the world as rebel groups continue to defy the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

New immigration: The exodus

Only in the past two years Argentina has received more than 300 Syrian families most of them staying in Buenos Aires. Although visa procedures might turn “bureaucratic”, the South American country is among the few granting assistance to those swelling in the list of this 21st century exodus. “In Europe this is impossible”, Tamara affirms and adds that Arab neighboring countries have long decided to reject entry to her countrymen.

The Syrian-Lebanese community in Argentina accounts actually for around10 percent of the country’s 40-million population.

Tamara Lalli is the daughter of Toufic, a Syrian-Lebanese who married Neife, an Argentinean descendant from Syrians. She was born in Yabrud located 80 km north of the capital Damascus. She has two sisters. A non-practicing Muslim, she married an Argentine Christian and allowed her two daughters to choose their own religion. “One is a Christian, the other one is still thinking about it”, Tamara says.

(Read more)

Clearly, this women assimilated; and so did her daughters, one of whom has already chosen Christianity.

Christian Message in Arabic

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness

This is coming from a church called: Iglesia Camino de Salvación (Church of the Way of Salvation)

The leaders are: Pastors: Abraham Merhi y Sara Zakhour de Merhi
Those are Arab surnames. These are Arab-Latin Evangelicals.

From Caracas, Venezuela.

Their website is here: www.iglesiacaminosalvacion.com

For those of you who think the Islam would stand a chance in South America, what do you do with Arab-Latin Evangelicals?

A way to world peace is to pay the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria (what the world wrongly calls the West Bank) to move to South America. They would be Christianized in a short time.

Jesus in the Ship of your life

The Speaker is Sister Nawal Nhra (Rivers). Not a Catholic Sister, but an female officer in an Evangelical Church, probably married.

As I have shown on other posts, Evangelical Arab-Christian churches are common in Latin America.

Peruvian Mission to the Muslims.

A Peruvian Evangelical Mission is giving instruction on how to outreach to Muslims.

Very interesting.

This why – inspite of our media scaremongering – I do not believe that Islam will get a hold in Latin America.

It may make some converts, but over time the Evangelicals will make more Christians out of Muslims than the Muslims will make Muslims out of Christians.

What is worrisome, however, is the increasing anti-Israel sentiment arising in Latin America. The Latins may not become Muslim, but they may become very hostile to Israel.

The reason for this is simple. The more traditional denominations in Latin America, the Catholic Church – and to a smaller extent, the Orthodox Church – have theologies where the Jews are written off for their rejection of Christ.

It is easier for anti-Semitism to prosper with those theologies, unlike Evangelical theologies where the Jews are still central to God’s design.

These traditional churches were magnificent in converting earlier generations of Muslim immigrants; but while they were effective at eradicating Islam, they made no effort to eradicate anti-Semitism. Hence, Arab and Iranian propaganda may not install Islam in South America; but it can instill an anti-Israel viewpoint that is vicious.

Colegio Argentina – Árabe – 2nd Grade

2nd Grade Arab-Argentine School (Omar Bin Al Jattab) Buenos Aires
A Vacation Party – just before they break for their summer which starts in December in the Southern Hemisphere.

These Arabs(?!) at the Omar Bin Al Jattab (Khattab in English) school in Buenos Aires are Westernized; and not all of them are Arab. Check out the blonde-haired girl on the upper right stage; and the sandy-haired mother to the lower left. Almost surely, most of these children are Christian.

The school was founded in 1991 by the Islamic Center of the Republic of Argentina (CIRA).

The Saudis financed this unpopular mosque.
It houses a culture center, and broadcasts a TV show, one hour per week, on Public TV in Buenos Aires. Most of its attendees are new immigrants to Argentina.

The Islamic Center (CIRA) built a major mosque in downtown Buenos Aires.

Same Arab-Argentine School. First day of class for 3 year old children.

During the administration of President Carlos Menem – an Argentine of Syrian Muslim extraction who converted to Catholicism – the Argentine government donated eight acres of primo real estate in downtown Buenos Aires to the Saudis for them to build a mosque. The Saudis built the largest mosque in South America, which is now connected to the Islamic Center. This Islamic Center is affiliated with the school in the videos above; and also broadcasts an Islamic propaganda show broadcast weekly on Argentine Public TV.

This is being financed by the Saudis. Meanwhile, Iran is broadcasting HispanTV to Latin America.

Look at the school website header, and you will see that there are few Nordic types among the parents and children.

To understand why Christians would send their children to a Muslim school: An American analogy would be Catholic schools in inner cities which attract non-Catholics for their academic performance and discipline. Likewise, the Muslim school is aiming to build an elite; if not in religion, then in sympathies.

Why isn’t the West doing more about this?

Only the Evangelicals seem to be fighting back.

The Christian kids among them will probably not be converted, but there will be an Islamic influence drilled into them.

History – CIRA site

Su principal objetivo es brindar a la comunidad un colegio abierto, teniendo en cuenta los principios pedagógicos de la educación personalizada, como así también las tradiciones y los valores morales de la Cultura Islámica.

Its principle objective to offer the community an open school, taking into account the teaching principles of a personalized education, as well as the traditions and values of the Islamic Culture.

These children may grow up to be anti-Israel, at least; even though they do not become Muslim.

Arab culture is mostly beneficial to Latin America, but this aspect of it requires watching.

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